Handling missing data problems in clinical trials
Develop statistical methods for longitudinal studies in AIDS clinical trials and HIV vaccine efficacy trials.
  • Summary: Treatment effects on longitudinal markers of HIV disease progression may vary with time since an unknown/censored time origin. Traditional longitudinal models that misplace the time origin by ignoring censoring may lead substantial bias. We proposed more accurate estimation methods for treatment effects using expectation-maximization approach to deal with the censored time origin. Another challenging problem is that treatment effects may also vary with time or other covariates since treatment randomization/switching in HIV vaccine efficine trials. We proposed generalized semiparametric mixed varying-coefficient effects models to accommodate a variety of link functions and flexibly model different types of covariate effects, including time-constant, time-varying and covariate-varying effects.
  • Analysis of generalized semiparametric mixed varying-coefficients models for longitudinal data.
    Sun, Y.; Qi, L.; Heng, F.; and Gilbert, P. B
    Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47(3): 352–373. 2019.
  • Semiparametric additive time-varying coefficients model for longitudinal data with censored time origin.
    Sun, Y.; Shou, Q.; Gilbert, P. B; Heng, F.; and Qian, X.
    Biometrics. 2021.